Neha Roy

primary school in Punggol

Which is the best primary school in Punggol?

Punggol is located in the Northeast Region of Singapore. It is known as Singapore’s new age town. This place is famous for its seafood and beaches. Punggol was once a rural area with only farmhouses and fields and plantation, which is why it is still beautiful and green. Primary schools in Punggol are very advanced, with…

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VC Services

Challenges in Venture Capital (VC)

Venture capitalists play a crucial role in helping develop startups or small businesses in a country. They often fund startups, early-stage firms, and companies with growth potential. Venture Capital (VC) firms’ investments are often considered risky. Only a few investors offer funds to startups or small businesses. Since startups and small businesses still need a…

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pharmacokinetic study

Harmonizing ADA Assay and Pharmacokinetic Study Reporting: A Comprehensive Roadmap

Streamlining Immunogenicity Testing for Therapeutic Drug Development As immunogenicity testing gains prominence in therapeutic drug development, the need for a harmonized approach to ADA assay and pharmacokinetic study reporting becomes evident. Evolving regulatory expectations and a lack of standardized ADA validation tools have led to increased complexities in addressing filling queries. This article provides a…

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